David is the founder and host of Israel:Take 3 and lives in Jersusalem with his wife Ali and their children.

Israel Shining Bright

Can an age old Talmudic debate shine light on current religious trends in Israel? In a famous debate in the Babylonian Talmud (Tractate Shabbat 21a) the House of Shammai insists that the proper procedure for kindling the Chanukah menorah is to start with eight candles on the first night and to decrease one flame per…

Rebirth of a Land

On a recent hike to an ancient spring in the Jerusalem hillside with some friends from Chicago, I stopped for a moment and encouraged the kids to behold the physical beauty of what they were seeing. Lush pine forests crawling up the rolling hills without a single bald spot in the dense timber. Quaint, red-roofed…

On Leaving the Comfort Zone

It’s a little ironic. One of the hardest things in the world to do is also perhaps the most rewarding. But I guess it always works that way. Nothing is more gratifying than living according to your deepest convictions and most authentic yearnings. But it’s also so incredibly hard. It just seems a lot easier…